National Model Brainstorm


Suggested Components


  1. Frequency
    1. National
    2. Regional
  2. Size / Representatives (Team Emphasis)
  3. Equal Split between Constituencies
  4. Location / Site
  5. Funding
  6. Duration and Timing
  7. Marketing / Announcing Meeting
  8. Structure of Agenda
  9. Eliciting Proposals



Database to track numbers in the pipeline

Message board idea on website

Electronic home

Source for statistics

Baseline statistics:

Number of students in each course k12 through grad

Ourses they’ve taken

Original motivation for entering field

Track retention through grades

Number of students in general compared to number of engr students

Retention of transfer vs native

Demographic information

Effect of implemented programs:

Lego program

Others for younger people

Get from other reports?

GPA comparison from CC to university

How many students enter from CC as transfer

How many are graduating

How many are transferring

Demographic information of k12 students, how does that play out through education

Demographics of engineering students at engr schools

Capacity of engr programs nationwide

Full capacity including CC

Track those who are turned away from colleges of engr

Success rates and underlying causes of changing majors/dropping out

Which states are students actually transferring among ccs and universities

Are universities actively recruiting ccv students

Plan for adding to and sustaining this database


Exploration of what’s out there

Projected new job creation: where’s the need in specific?



Best Practices / Sharing Success Stories

List to Share with Future Steering Committee

  2. Assessment tool for what is "best practice" &endash; different definitions
  3. Focus not only on classroom "best practices"
    • Organizational
    • Recruitment
    • Measuring Achievement, not Just Activity
    • Retention
    • Pedagogy
  4. National Scale Best Practices &endash; don’t only focus on areas represented by steering committee members
  5. Best practices at different academic levels (K-12, CC, 4U)
  6. Best models for articulation
  7. Specific Examples: TIDEE, WCERTE (Washington State), Arizona State
  8. Funding and Grants. Do not make cost a barrier to getting best practice work shops
  9. Make sure to thoroughly explain how to implement best practices
    • Training
    • Funding
    • Human Resources
    • Obstacles to Implementing
  10. Make sure to include K-12
  11. Create a digital library to host list of successful models & disseminate (Web classes?)
  12. Thorough dissemination plan
  13. Categories / Specific Criteria
  14. FUNDING!!



(we didn’t vote for this)

  2. Get Funding


  3. Hire Lobbyist
    1. Identify Spokesperson/groups
    2. Convening the Developers of Position Statements
    3. Formulating a position statement
  4. Develop PR Campaign
  5. Promote Database for supporting positions
  6. Outreach to K12 (recruitment, other activities)
  7. Promote Engineering Education grades 4-16 (coherent and consistent)
  8. Coordination with Regional Organizations

Steering Committee: Please think of these issues for advocacy…

  • Go after ABET make them acknowledge the role of Liberal Arts Colleges and Community Colleges in accreditation

    Biology needs to be part of the Engineering Curriculum.

    Keep an eye towards credibility in all the above.

    Technological literacy for allý includes others, not in engineering programs.




    Suggestions for Mission Statement Development