email: Ph 256 215 4336 or 4343

: TEXT: Serwy & Faughn's College Physics, 7th edition
Alan Van Heuvelen & Eugenia Etkina's Active Learning Guide

TOPICS COVERED: Part l Mechanics - Measurement & Math, Linear Motion, Force, Momentum, Work & Energy, Torque & Rotational Motion, Fluids, Heat & Thermodynamics


Most physical phenomena can be explained and understood using a very small set of concepts developed between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. Specifically, Newton's three laws of motion, the laws of conservation of momentum, energy, and charge, and the first and second laws of thermodynamics,. It also helps to learn a few techniques developed in the last decade.
The purpose of first semester physics is to obtain a solid understanding of the laws of motion and the laws of conservation of momentum & energy, and the accompanying entourage of words and symbols. We will apply these laws to explanations of properties of matter and thermodynamics, (first semester),Waves, Sound and Electricity and Magnetism (second semester).
My objective for the year is to have you leave here next spring with the distinct impression that you can solve just about any physical problem you encounter in life henceforth. Many can argue that this will be a false impression. That may be, but as you probably already know, (or will hopefully someday discover), attitude is the most important ingredient in the success of any project you undertake. Enjoy Physics!





15 - 10 pt quizzes

each Friday at the beginning of lab.

No make up quizzes will be given, you will be allowed to drop 2 quiz grades, a missed quiz will be one of your dropped quizzes.
Quiz will either be problems or questions about problems presented this week by students .

3 - 100 point tests

Sept 16, Oct 14, Nov 18

Students that present (successfully) at least 3 problems to class in the 4 week test period will be exempted from that test. (means student gets 100 for that test.)
Note 1: If you plan to present a problem, your name , problem #, and location of that problem must be on the board before 8 am on the day of presentation.
Note 2: Two people cannot present the same problem.

1-200 pt Final Exam

Dec. 14, 1 - 3

Final will be comprehensive.

8 - 10 class activities, 10 points each

Class activities done this week will be due no later than the following wednesday. Some will be due on the day assigned.

12 to 15 -15 point experiments

Approximately one each week. Labs assigned this week will be due one week from this Friday at the beginning of class.

Late labs cost 2 points each day late.
You must make up missed labs to avoid an incomplete in the course. Make up labs may not be the same as regular labs.

Unless otherwise specified, only one lab write up will be submitted for each group. Collaboration between groups is encouraged, however, if two groups labs are "too" identical, both groups must do a makeup lab.

30 pt Project


30 points bonus

Due date for project report is Wed, Dec. 9

Those desiring to do a project must submit a proposal no later than Oct. 14. Proposal must contain a thorough description of the project and points requested. (Sept. 15 for Sci Team)

Students electing to be on science team for project will receive 30 points bonus. Science teams must do science activities with third grade class of their choice at least 5 times per semester and must submit activity plan sheet 1 week in advance each time they go to a third grade class.

Note 1:
Use of communication devices such as pagers, cell phones, walkie talkies, or whatever, is prohibited in this class. If one rings, buzzes, vibrates or whatever else to distract you or the class, you may be dismissed from the course.

Note 2: Playing games on computers in the physics lab may result in your being dismissed from this course.


The above total, excluding bonus points, is approximately 960 and your accumulative total will be divided by that amount to calculate your final average.

90 - 100 = A, 80 - 89 = B, 70 - 79 = C, 60 - 69 = D, 0 - 59 = F

l. Final percentage will be rounded UP, i.e., a final percent of 79.00000001 will be rounded up to 80.

2. You should keep all returned papers. You should also keep track of the ratio (your accumulative total)/(The accumulative total possible to date) as the semester progresses.

Definitions: S&F - Serway & Faughn, 7th ed
ALG: Active Learning Guide

Homework due following Monday , Labs due following Wed after performed at the beginning of class.


Today's Topic

Assignment Due date or

1F 8- 19

Pre Test, Overview of Mechanics,
Experiment 0: A Study of ¼

Hwk #1: Read S&F Chapter 1, do problems 3,10,11,15,21,41,46,51

M 8-22

1st hour: Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 1
2nd hour: Intro to Motion & Force:
ALG: pgs 2-9

Hwk # 2:
(Handout) Problem Set #1 Motion & Velocity
1 & 2, 3, 4

W 8-24

1st hour: Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 1 & 2
2nd hour: Intro to Motion & Force:
CA # 1 ALG: pgs 10 - 17

Hwk #3: ALG: 1.4.1, 1.4.2, 1.4.3, 1.4.4, 1.4.5, 1.4.6, 1.4.7

W W 3 5

Students presentation of problems from Hwk #1 & 2

2F 8-26

Quiz #1
Experiment 1: Kinematics I
ALG: Chap 2: 2.1.1 - 2.1.9

Hwk #4 :Read S&F Sections 2.1-2.4, do problems 3,6,7,11,22

M 8-29

1st hour: Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 3 & 4
2nd hour: Kinematics II
ALG: 2.2.1 - 2.2.7

W 8-31

Kinematics II
CA # 2 ALG: 2.2.1 - 2.2.7

Students presentation of problems from Hwk # 3 & 4 (if time permits)

Hwk # 5: Read S&F Sections 2.5 - 2.6, do problems 25,29,30,37,43,45,47,50,67

ALG: 2.2.8 - 2.2.16

W 3-5

Students presentation of problems form Hwk # 3 & 4

3F 9-2

Quiz #2
Experiment 2: Kinematics II
ALG: 2.2.17 or 2.2.18

M 9-5

Labor Day Celebration-no class

W 9-7

1st hour: Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 5
2nd hour: Forces I
CA # 3 ALG: Chapter 3: 3.1.1 - 3.2.1, 3.3.1 - 3.3.3

Hwk # 6: S&F Read Chapter 3.1-3.3 , do problems 3,5,11,13,17,18,
ALG : 3.2.2,

W 3-5

Student presentation of problems from Hwk #5

4F 9-9

Quiz #3
Experiment 3: Forces II
ALG: 3.3.4 - 3.3.10

M 9-12

1st hour: Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 6
2nd hour: Forces III
ALG: Chapter 3: 3.4.1 - 3.4.9

Hwk# 7: ALG 3.4.10, 3.4.11, 3.4.12
Read S&F Chapter 4, do problems 1,3,6,11,15,17,18,19,25,29,34,35,37,45,49,

W 9-14

1st hour: Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 7
2nd hour: Forces III
CA # 4 ALG: Chapter 3: 3.4.1 - 3.4.9

Hwk #8: S&F Read 3.4 do problems 23,29,31,32,73

W 3-5

Student presentation of problems from Hwk #7

5F 9-16

1st hour: Test 1 for those taking test 1
Experiment 4: Projectile Motion

M 9-19

1st hour: Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 8
2nd hour: Circular Motion ALG 4.1.1 - 4.3.2

W 9-21

CA # 5 ALG 4.3.3 & 4.3.4, 4.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.5
4.4.6, 4.4.7
Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 8 (if time permits)

Hwk # 9: Read S&F 7.1 - 7.3 do problems 1,3,5,7,9,11,13
ALG 4.4.3, 4.4.4,

W 3-5

Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 8

6F 9-23

Quiz #4
Experiment 5: ALG 4.4.8

Hwk#10 Read S&F 7.4 do problems 15,21,23,25,28

M 9-26

1st hour: Student presentation of problems from Hwk # 9 & 10
2nd hour: Linear Momentum ALG 5.1.1 - 5.3.4

W 9-28

1st hour: Student presentations of problems from Hwk 9 & 10
CA# 6 ALG 5.4.1 - 5.4.7, 5.4.15

Hwk # 11: ALG 5.4.8 - 5.4.14, 5,4,16

W 3-5

Continuation of discussion of Momentum & Impulse.
Student presentation of problems.

7F 9-30

Quiz #5
Experiment 6: 5.4.18

M 10-3

1st hour: Student presentations from Hwk #11
2nd hour Work I: ALG 6.1.1 - 6.1.6

Hwk # 12: ALG 6.1.7
Read S&F Read S&F 5.1 - 5.4 do problems 1,5,7,9,11,13,17,21,23

W 10-5

1st hour: Student presentations from Hwk #12
2nd hour Work II: CA# 7 ALG 6.2.1 - 6.3.4, 6.3.6

W 3-5

Student presentations from Hwk #12

8F 10-7

Quiz #6
Experiment 7: ALG 6.3.5


1st hour: Student presentations from Hwk #12
2nd hour Work III: ALG 6.4.1-6.4.6, 6.4.9, 6.4.10

Hwk #13: ALG 6.4.7, 6.4.8, 6.4.11, 6.4.12


1st hour: Student presentations from Hwk #13
2nd hour Work III: CA # 8 ALG 6.4.1 6.4.6, 6.4.9, 6.4.10

Hwk # 14: S&F Read 5.5 do problems 27,32,33,39,41,45

W 3-5

Student presentations from Hwk #13

9F 10 14

1st hour: Test 2 for those taking test 2
Experiment 8: ALG 6.4.13


1st hour: Student presentations from Hwk #14
2nd hour Continue presentations if necessary

Hwk # 15: Read S&F Read 5.6 & 5.7 do 51,53,55,56,63,64


1st hour: Student presentations from Hwk #15
2nd hour Begin Chapter 10

Hwk # 16: Read S&F Chapter 7 do problems 25,51,52,57,65, 68

W 3-5

Student presentations from Hwk #15


Quiz # 7
Experiment 9: A rotational motion experiment of some kind.


1st hour: Student presentations from Hwk #16
2nd hour Begin Chapter 11, demo cross products

Hwk #17: S&F Read Chapter 8.1 -8.7 do problems 45,47,49,51,53


Student presentations from Hwk# 17

W 3-5

Student presentations from Hwk# 17

11F 10 28

Quiz # 8

M 10 31

12 - 1

1st hour: Quiz 9 from ALG ch 8
Student presentations from Hwk 16 & 17
2nd hour: Discuss ALG Chapter 8

Student presentations from hwk 16 & 17 if necessary.

Hwk #18: S&F Read Chapter 8.1-8.4 do problems 3,6,7,9,13,15,19,20,25,27,

W 11-2


1st hour: Quiz 10 from pres on Hwk 16 & 17 presentations
Student presentations from Hwk 16 -18
2nd hour Discussion of S&F Chap 11

Student presentations from Hwk 16 -18

Hwk 19: S&F Chap 8.5 &8.6: 29,30,33, 36,39,41,43

12F 11 4

: from pres on Hwk 16-18:
Experiment 10: Torque Lab

M 11-7

S&F 8.7 Ang mom
take fci post test

Hwk #20 S&F 8.7 45,47,49,51,53,54


Student Presentations from Hwk 19 & 20
OTQ 5 = #26

H&T Pre Test

Start CA #11 : H& T Lab 1 Activity 1

Hwk # 21 S&F Chap 10: 3,5,7,11,13,15,19,21


Veteran's Day No Class


OTQ 6 = #29
Quiz 10 Reading Quiz for Chap 10
Students do problems from Hwk 20 &21
Finish CA#11 as a group discussion
Work sample problems from Hwk 21 & 22

Hwk # 22 S&F Chap 10: 27,29,31,33,37,41


OTQ 7 = #19
Student present from Hwk 21 & 22
CA # 12 H&T Lab 2 Do Activity 1
Do Activity 2 part A
We'll do Part B if time permits

Hwk #23 S&F 11.1 - 11.3 Probs 3,7,9,13,15,17

F 11-18

OTQ 8 = #20 Test 3
Do Problems from Hwk 23 & 24

Hwk 24: S&F 11.4 & 11.5 Probs 21,23,33,35,37, 39, 49


No Classes Happy Thanksgiving

M11 28

OTQ 9 = #35
Chap 12: First Law of Thermo
Do problems

Hwk 25: S&F 12.1 & 12.2 1,3,5,7,10,15,17,18,22


OTQ 10 = #22
CA #13: Do H&T Lab 3

F 12-2

OTQ 11 = #18
Exp 11: H&T Lab 4


OTQ 12 = #6
CA # 14 H&T Lab 3 1/2


Chap 12: Second Law of Thermo

Hwk 26: S&F 12.3 25,27,29


Review for Final


Final Exam 1 - 3