Email: Ph: 256 215 4336 (Office) or 4343 (Lab)
TEXT: James Walker's Physics, First edition
TOPICS COVERED: Part l Mechanics - Measurement & Math, Linear Motion, Force, Momentum, Work & Energy, Torque & Rotational Motion, Fluids, Heat & Thermodynamics
Item |
Date |
Discussion |
3-100 point tests |
Feb 1, Feb 22, March 15 |
No make up tests will be given. A missed test will be replaced by 1/2 of your final exam score. |
1-200 point Final Exam |
May 6, 2001 |
Final will be comprehensive. |
8 to 12 - 15 point experiments |
Varies, approximately one a week |
Lab write-ups due dates are Wednesday of the next week after the lab is done. Late labs cost 2 points each weekday late. You must make up missed labs to avoid an incomplete in the course. Make up labs will not be the same as regular class labs. |
1- 35 point Project or 7 - 5 point magazine article
reviews. |
Due Friday, May 3, 2002 |
Magazine article reviews must contain your name, class,
source, date and a brief synopsis of each article. Science Team Journals must be kept up to date this semester. We'll do the same format Eddie's group used last semester. |
FIELD TRIP Pensacola Naval Station, |
April 18, 2002 |
We leave from BS parking lot PROMPTLY AT 5:00 PM (Attending a field trip can replace one lab, or be used for 20 bonus points). |
Weekly homework assignments |
Due on the following Mon |
Total value will be 100 points. approximately 7 points each. None accepted late. |
Weekly quiz |
last 15 min on Friday |
Total value will be 100 points. May be used to replace lowest test score. |
- Assisting math or physics students 5pts. per hour, 20 pts. max. (Must be done in the Library or Physics Lab verified in writing by either an instructor or librarian.)
- Occasional hand in bonus problems ( bonus questions on tests do
not count toward this max)5 pts. each, 30 pt. max.
- Book report, 10 pts. (Book must be approved by instructor prior to
reading, and reports are due on April 24)
The above total, excluding bonus points,will roughly be 800 points, and your accumulative total will be divided by the total to calculate your final average.
90 - 100 = A, 80 - 89 = B, 70 - 79 = C, 60 - 69 = D, 0 - 59 = F
l. Final percentage will be rounded UP, i.e., a final percent of
79.00000001 will be rounded up to 80.
2. You should keep all returned papers. You should also keep track of
the ratio (your accumulative total)/(The accumulative total possible
to date) as the quarter progresses. If this ratio is below 70 at
midterm (Mar. 1, 2002), you should come for a conference with the
instructor to discuss what each of us can do to retrieve you from
doom. Note: Unless otherwise specified, problems assigned this week
are due on monday of the next week. Experiments assigned this week
are due on Wednesday of the next week.
Date |
Topic |
Assignment Due date or Discussion date |
Jan 7 |
Take FCI Pretest |
Jan 9 |
F1- 11 |
Experiment 1: |
M 14 |
Measurement: Chapter 1, begin Chap 2 |
Pg 14 4,9 |
W 16 |
Experiment 2: Intro to motion |
Hwk at end of exp. 2 |
F2- 18 |
Experiment 3: Acceleration |
Hwk at end of exp 3 |
M 21 |
holiday, no class |
W 23 |
Chapter 2: Disp, Dist, Vel, Speed, acceleration |
Quest: 1,6,7,9,11,13,14,15 |
F3- 25 |
Chap 2 & 3 |
Chap 3: Quest: 2,3,5,8,9,10,13,15 |
M 28 |
Chapter 4: 2 Dimensional Motion |
Q-1,3,4,6,7,8,9,10 |
W30 |
F4- Feb 1 |
M 4 |
Chap 5 Newton's 3 laws of motion |
Q-5,6,7,9,12,13,23,25 |
W 6 |
F5- 8 |
Experiment 4: |
M 11 |
Chap 6 Applications of N's Laws |
Q-1,3,8,9,12,22 |
W 13 |
F6-15 |
Experiment 5 |
M 18 |
Chapter 7 Work & Energy |
W 20 |
F7-22 |
Questions on test Test 2 1 hour |
M 25 |
W 27 |
F9-Mar 1 |
M 4 |
W 6 |
F10- 8 |
M 11 |
W 13 |
F11 15 |
Test 3 |
M 18 |
M Ap 1 |
W 3 |
F12-5 |
No Fear Quiz 8: |
M 8 |
W 10 |
F12 |
M 15 |
W 17 |
F13 -19 |
Field Trip to Pensacola Naval Station |
M22 |
W24 |
Th 25 |
F14 -26 |
No Fear Quiz 10: |
Project Reports Due |
M 29 |
Review for Final |
W May 1 |
last day of Class Review for Final |
F15 - 4 |
May 6 |
Final Exam |
Introduction to Mac Computers
Turning on and off
Open & Close folders
Create your own folder
Start & quit programs
Close file quit program Show Finder & About this Macintosh
under the Apple
Demo Wordperfect
Open Phy files, open Lab 1 write-up, save it in your own folder
Discuss the difference between an experiment and the write up. Don't
turn in the experiment with a lab write-up.
All programs are obtained from the colored apple in the top left corner of the menu bar, stay out of the HD