Physics 213 Test 1 Review Sept. 12, 2001
8 problems 12 points each

1. Basics:

Know the SI units for length, mass and time.
Know the meaning of ratios, velocity and acceleration in particular.

2. 1- D motion:

know the difference between displacement and distance

Given two consecutive displacement vectors graphically, be able to obtain the total displacement graphically.
Given two consecutive displacement vectors algebraically, be able to obtain the total displacement algebraically.
know the difference between speed and velocity

know the definition of average velocity and average acceleration
know the definition of instantaneous veloctiy and acceleration.

3. Motion Diagrams

Be able to draw motion diagrams for a object with positive (or negative) velocity and positive (or negative) acceleration.

Be able to obtain the direction of acceleration by subtraction of two velocity vectors graphically.

4. Displacement, velocity, and acceleration vs time curves

given graph of displacement, velocity, or acceleration vs time, describe motion
given description of motion, draw graphs
given disp vs time, or velocity vs time, or acceleration vs time, draw the other two graphs.
given acceleration vs time, be able to find the change in velocity over a given time interval
given velocity vs time, be able to find the change in displacement over a given time interval

5. Kinematic equations of motion with constant acceleration. Given a problem:

Draw picture
Draw reference frame
Draw motion diagrams for each object over each time interval (if different) to determine signs for velocities and accelerations.
Indicate with A, B, C, etc, the pertinent events.
Write down x, v, and t values for each of these positions, and acceleration between them.
Express displacement and velocity as equations at each position to obtain equations to solve to find the desired objective.

6. Vector Problems: Given sequence of displacement or velocity vectors in magnitude and direction, be able to find the magnitude and direction of the sum or difference .

first graphically
then find x and y components
then add (or subtract) like components to get components of the resultant R
then find the magnitude and direction of R