Daily Quiz #4a Vectors I.


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The first three questions refer to the material you were to read in preparation for the lesson. Questions one and two require you to write a three or four sentence response. Number three is a multiple choice question. Click in the appropriate circle. Questions 4 is your opportunity to suggest what we should emphasize today and how.

You may change your mind as often as you wish. When you are satisfied with your responses, click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of this page.

1.Below we see top views of 3 motorboats crossing a river. All have the same speed relative to the water, and all experience the same water flow. You will have to put these answers on a piece of paper and turn it in.

1. Construct resultant vectors showing the speed and direction of the boats.

2. Which boat takes the shortest path to the opposite shore?

3. Which boat reaches the opposite shore first?

4. Which boat provides the fastest ride?