typical pattern for a sophomore physics experiment is to calculate a final
result from measurements of several interacting physical quantities. This result is then compared to what is
expected from theory (or another experimental method). If the two results differ, the theory
is not necessarily faulty.
Remember, there is no real disagreement if the difference between the
two results is no larger than what might be expected from the probable random
or systematic errors in the measurements.
question at hand then is "How do you combine the uncertainties to give the
uncertainty in a final result?"
In science combining uncertainties is called propagating errors. (That's
incredibly unscientific, it should be called "propagating
uncertainties). The goal of
error propagation is to predict how large an uncertainty can be expected in a
result calculated from measurements which possess intrinsic uncertainties.
might be tempted to guess that uncertainties add algebraically every time you
combine numbers that have uncertainties.
For example, if you wanted to add two lengths, l1 = 50.3 +
0.2 cm and l2 = 22.6 + 0.1 cm, you might well guess that the
total length is: 1 = l1 + l2 = 72.9 + 0.3 cm. This is NOT correct. However it is a good approximation of a
more rigorous method of propagating uncertainties.
I. Sketchy Derivation of the Error in a
Final Result
more rigorous method is derived by assuming that the uncertainty in the
final result is just the sum of each individual quantity's uncertainty weighted
by the amount each individual quantity affects the final result. The amount each quantity affects the
final result is the partial derivative of the final result with respect to that
given quantity. Using the above
example of two lengths this translates into:
general, consider the final result as a quantity, f, and assume f depends upon
two independent, measured quantities, x and y. You may then write f as a function of these two quantities:
f = f(x,y). In these more general
terms the above propagated uncertainty becomes;
a second simplifying assumption can be made. To understand this, first square the above equation to get:
sf2 = [¶f/¶x]2sx2 + [¶f/¶y]2sy2 + 2(¶f/¶x)(¶f/¶y)sxsy
last term in the above equation is often called the correlation term
because it represents the degree to which any fluctuations in both x and
y affect sf. For example, this correlation term will increase if x and y
vary so that sx, sy and f all increase simultaneously. These sort of correlations between two independent, measured
quantities (x and y) are rare.
Hence this correlation term will be neglected. This yields a useful equation for calculating the propagated
error in a function f.
sf2 = [¶f/¶x]2sx2 + [¶f/¶y]2sy2
more than two measured quantities go into a calculation to produce a final
result, then the above equation is expanded to take into account the other
terms. For example, if f =
f(x,y,z), then the above equation becomes:
sf2 = [¶f/¶x]2sx2 + [¶f/¶y]2sy2 + [¶f/¶z]2sz2 (5.2)
(5.l) is useful, only if the individual uncertainties are known. In practice, these sx's and sy's are either estimated
uncertainties from a few measurements of x and y OR they are the standard
deviations of the means of x and y.
are expected to use this relation (or the consequent relations that follow) in
your Data Analysis section in all experiments in which you cannot make a good
case for a less sophisticated comparison of results. However, sometimes a full scale error propagation is NOT
needed. Only experience will allow
you to determine which is the correct path to follow.
is usually more convenient to use the equations in the following table which
have been derived from equation (5.l) for several of the most frequently
occurring functions. To show you how the following table of error propagation
formulas have been derived, several examples are first presented.
II. Error Propagation For Some Common
If f
= x ± y, then ¶f/¶x = 1 and ¶f/¶y = ±1.
Since these partial derivatives are squared, the ± sign has no effect,
so equation (5.1) yields:
= sx2 + sy2
rule for addition and subtraction is therefore that uncertainties add "in
quadrature", (which is a fancy word for the square root of the sum of the
squares of the individual uncertainties), instead of simply adding
2. Multiplication and Division.
f = xy, then ¶f/¶x = y, ¶f/¶y = x, so equation (5.1) yields
sf2 = y2sx2 + x2sy2.
This is usually put into a more convenient form by dividing
through by f2 = x2y2 to obtain
[sf/f]2 =
[sx/x]2 +
square root gives the uncertainty as a fractional part of f, a most useful
form. For f = x/y, exactly the
same equation is found for sf/f !
3. Powers.
Let f = axn, where a is a known constant and x is the
variable. Then [¶f/¶x]2
= [naxn-1]2 = [nf/x]2, so equation (5.1) yields
= n[sx/x].
III A Table of Error Propagation Formulas
an arbitrary function (f), two independent variables (x and y), two constants
(a and b) and an integer n, the following formulas may be used to compute the
propagated error (uncertainty) in the function f. The uncertainties for x and y (sx and sy) can be either standard
deviations or estimated uncertainties. If they are standard
deviations, then x and y must be those corresponding
x ± y 1. [sx2+ sy2]1/2
xy or x/y 2. xy[(sx/x)2 + (sy/y)2]1/2
x2 3.
2x2[sx/x] = 2x[sx]
axn 4. naxn[sx/x] = u figger it.
a(x/y2) 5. a(x/y2)[(sx/x)2 + (sy/y)2]1/2
aebx 6. abebx[sx]
aln(bx) 7. [a/x]sx
IV. Words To The Wise
Calculating standard
deviations is generally the best way to evaluate uncertainties, however, you must
exercise judgement as to when data warrant such calculations. Sometimes you may be able to decide
upon a valid uncertainty by "eyeballing" the data or by plotting the
data or by closely scrutinizing the scale from which the data was read. By considering how the uncertainties in
several measured quantities will propagate, you can often conclude that the
uncertainties in all but one or two of the quantities can be neglected
in calculating the propagated error.
Such a conclusion should, of course, be defended in your report.
this course you are responsible for evaluating all systematic and random errors
in all measured quantities as rigorously and quantitatively as practicable and
to propagate them mathematically when necessary. Then, most importantly, you must compare the disagreements
in your results with these uncertainties.
a very readable treatment of error propagation, you may be interested in
reading P. R. Bevington's Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physical
Sciences, McGraw Hill, New York, 1969. This book is in your CACC library at this very moment!
V Error Comparison
you have just completed an experiment in which you measured several quantities,
calculated their uncertainties, used these quantities to compute an
experimental result (called xe) and propagated these uncertainties
to an uncertainty in the final result (called sxe).
Further, suppose that some theory predicts that you should have obtained
a value of xt+sxt
as your final result. There exists
a well defined method of determining whether these two x's agree within the
stated experimental and theoretical error bars. To do this you must first compute the disagreement between
the theoretical and experimental result (called d below)
d = |xe - xt| (don't forget xe and xt
are mean values).
compute the propagated uncertainty in this disagreement
= [sxe2 + sxt2]l/2
the disagreement (d) is larger than this propagated uncertainty (sd) then xe and xt do not agree
within the limits of experimental error.
But if d < sd then the two x's
do agree and the experiment can be termed a success. This procedure is the best quantitative
method for judging the success or failure of an experiment. You will sometimes be required to
determine whether the difference between your final result and a theoretical
predication is less than the propagated uncertainty in this difference.
not interpret "failure" here to mean that everything you've done is
worthless. Many factors have gone
into this sequence of calculations.
For example, if you estimated some uncertainties in the initial
measurements, then perhaps you overestimated the accuracy
you could obtain. Also
there might be systematic errors present in the experiment. It was stated at the outset that this
quantitative method of calculating and propagating errors applied only to
random errors. Therefore if
systematic errors are present, this analysis has neglected them.
sd is slightly larger
than d, the next best thing is to see if d < (sxe + sxt) since sxe + sxt is the maximum difference
you might expect to obtain. If the
disagreement is smaller than this upper bound then the experiment can still be
called marginally successful.
However, if the disagreement is larger than
3(sxe + sxt) then you probably made
some procedural mistake which has invalidated your results. You must make an attempt to uncover
such mistakes or postulate some plausible experimental errors which could cause
this failure. Without this
sort of critical thought, any preceding pages of calculations are
worthless and your report grade will reflect this.
Term |
Definition |
or Eqn. |
the quantity |
the universal unknown to be measured |
x |
mean |
the average of a set of measurements. |
µ |
uncertainty |
the intrinsic difference between a measured quantity and the "true" or "perfect" value of that quantity. |
sx |
fractional uncertainty |
the uncertainty of a quantity divided by that quantity. |
percent uncertainty |
the fractional uncertainty multiplied by 100. |
100(sx/x) |
discrepancy |
the absolute value of the difference between a theoretical value and an experimental value. |
d = |xt - xe| |
percent error |
the difference between a theoretical value and an experimental value, expressed as a percent of the theoretical value. |
percent difference |
the difference between two experimental expressed as a percent of their average. |