Work-Energy theorem Wnet = DK
But what happens when the force is not in the direction of motion?
For instance, suppose the force is applied at an angle Uwith
the horizontal. What force contributes to the acceleration of the
object? Conclude W = Fcos U. x
Define the Dot Product of two vectors F . x = FxcosU Where Uis the angle between F and the direction of motion, thus, W = F*x, where x and F are vector quantities.
Wfriction = Fkx cos 180o = -Fkx. i.o.w. Work due to friction is always negative !
Work done by varying force. How to find F*X if F is changing?
W = limit
Wi: = limit
FiDx =
ÝF dx ! Moreover,
Dx Æ0 Dx
Wnet = ÝFnetdx = Ýma dx =
Ým(dv/dt)dx = Ým dv(dx/dt) = Ýmvdv =
.5mv2 - .5mvo2 = DK
The RBD Work is area under curve!
Work done by a Hooke's Law spring.
Fs (x) = - Kx = -Fapp (see figures at left), thus,
Wapp= ÝFappdx = Ýkxdx =
.5kx2, and
Ws = ÝFsdx = -ÝFappdx
= -Wapp= - .5kx2
Recall A . B = AB cosU. How could
one find A.B without knowing A,B and U
? i.e. How to find (Ax i + Ay j) .
(Bx i +By j)= ? Just multiply it out !
Ax Ay + Bx By = AB cos U So, AB cos U = AxBx + AyBy, or
cos U = (AxBx +
8. If F = Fx i + Fyj and
displacement is dr = drx i + dry
j, then W =Ýr1 F r2 dr
= ?
Poweravg = work/time = W/D
t = P
P = limit dW/Dt = dW / dt = d (F .
r) / dt =(d/dt) ?
Dt Æ0
DISCUSS limitations of the P = F v formula , Pg 187 :
units of power = J / s = Watts (W)
1 hp = 746 W. = 550 ft lb.
Chapter 8: Potential Energy
Def. Pot - ENERGY - Energy an object has by virtue of its
location relative to some equilibrium position. Note: Since it is the
energy obtained from some force applied to the system, for both
gravity and springs, potential energy = Wapp = DUg
or DUs . Specifically,
Ug = mgh or mgDy, and Us =
.5kx2 or .5k(x2 -
so the work done by gravity or a spring is Wg or
Ws = -DUs or g
Conservative Force (Fc) - All energy expended goes into savings
and can be retrieved. NO ENERGY IS LOST, so total energy
Eo = Ef . Work done by g when the pendulum in
the figure moves from A to B gets stored in Kinetic Energy at B and
is used to raise ball to C.
Eo = Ef ,
Ko + Uo = Kf + Uf
Work done by a conservative Force is independent of path.
Fg= -mg = Fc , so Wg = -mgDy = -DU = Ý-mgdy = Ý Fg dy = -DUg.
Notice the
two objects at right travel different displacements, but both travel
the same Dy, the distance parallel to the
direction of the conservative force Fg.
So, Wg = -mgh = -DU or if U (xo) = 0, DU = U = -ÝFgdy so dU/dy = -Fc (y) or Fc = -dU/dy
This is a characteristic of a conservative force in general: Uc = - Ý Fc dx = -Wc.
Fnc - nonconservative force, all energy lost forever.
--(friction, in our case).
Wnc = Work done by Fnc, so Wnet =
Wnc + Wc.
Work-- Energy Theorem revisited Wnet = Wnc +
Wc = DK.
But since Wc = -DU,
Wnet = Wnc - DU =
DK, so
Wnc = DK + DU
=DE, (Remember E represents total
Spring Pot. Energy
Fs = -Kx, so Ws = ÝFsdx =
Ý-kxdx = -.5k(x2 - xo2) =
-DUs , so DUs
= .5k(x2 - xo2) , or,
if xo = 0, Us = .5kx2 , so the work
done by gravity or a spring is Wg or Ws =
-DUs or g